CSEA Endorsed Insurance Program
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the operating hours for Customer Service?
How do I make a claim for benefits?
We will be glad to walk you through the claim filing process. Call us toll free at +1-800-296-2732 to send you any necessary paperwork. (Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 7:00 pm ET). You may also download and print a claim form from this site and mail it to the address on the claim form.
How can I make a payment?
There are three options available for paying your premium and preventing a lapse in your coverage:
- MyAccount
- Direct bill by mail
- Pay over the phone +1-800-296-2732
MyAccount → Use the MyAccount feature within this website.
Direct Bill → Before your coverage period ends the CSEA-Endorsed Benefits Program will send you a payment notice as a reminder to renew your current coverage. Mail the tear-off portion of the payment notice along with a check for the payment amount made out to CSEA-Endorsed Benefits Program, in the courtesy reply envelope provided.
Pay By Phone → You can renew your coverage over the phone by calling +1-800-296-2732, and using a major credit card. One of our qualified customer service specialists will assist you with this transaction. You can also request that all of your future premium payments be billed to your credit card. If you desire, you can request that a one-time payment be deducted from your checking account to pay your current balance.
How long does the application process take?
When will my policy go into effect?
How do I get the necessary forms for changing my beneficiary or making other changes once I become an insured member?
For any other changes, call us toll-free at +1-800-296-2732 (Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm ET). You may also download and print a claim form from this site and mail it to the address on the claim form.
Who is A.G.I.A., the administrator of The CSEA Endorsed Insurance?
A.G.I.A. is the company contracted to manage The CSEA Endorsed Insurance Program. A.G.I.A. is also affiliated with the insurance companies that underwrite each plan.
For information about a particular product or a question about your plan, have a change of address, or to submit an insurance claim, call us at 1-800-296-2732, Monday through Friday between the hours 8AM and 5PM, Pacific Time.
General Mail Correspondence:
CSEA Endorsed Program
P.O. Box 9997, Phoenix, AZ-85068-0997
Payments should be mailed to:
CSEA Endorsed Program
P.O. Box 9997, Phoenix, AZ-85068-0997
Cancer Care Claims are to be mailed to:
Securian Life Insurance Company
CSEA Endorsed Insurance Program
P.O. Box 9997, Phoenix, AZ-85068-0997
Cancer Wellness Claims are to be mailed to:
Wellness Claims
P.O. Box 9006
Phoenix, AZ 85068
Cancer Care Claims are to be mailed to:
Claims Department
P.O. Box 9060
Phoenix, AZ 85068
New York Life & Hartford Claims are to be mailed to:
CSEA Endorsed Insurance Program
P.O. Box 9997, Phoenix, AZ-85068-0997
For EA+ Emergency Assistance:
Please call 911 first. Once you have been admitted to the hospital, contact EA+ as soon as possible. Assistance is available 24/7/365.
The Emergency contact phone numbers are:
1-866-816-2073 (if in the U.S.)
1-603-328-1752 (if outside the U.S.)